Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Delivering Bad News

| Delivering Bad News: Helping your patients retain dire details| Modern Medicine Oct 1, 2009| | The purpose: This article focuses on providing healthcare professionals with suggestions that will help their patients remember important information immediately after receiving bad news. Although nurses usually don’t deliver the bad news, they are often in the room when it is given and are often the person that has to give the patient instructions immediately afterward. Research supports the fact that patients might not hear much of the nurse or physician tells them at this time, therefore they retain very little of the valuable information. Patients with poor prognoses are especially at risk and retain even less than patient with fair to good prognoses. This research also revealed that the more information given to the patient the less they retained. Information data: The first suggestion that will help patients retain information in the event of bad news is to prepare the patient ahead of time for how they will hear the results. Ask them to bring a spouse, supportive friend or a tape recorder. The second suggestion is to have a face to face conversation with the patient. This will enable you to watch the patient’s body language. Nonverbal language plays a big role in the assessment of a patient’s well being of state of mind at the time. This meeting should be during a reserved time period, so that you or the patient doesn’t feel rushed. A third suggestion is to decide on a few key points to make and stick with presenting these few only. Giving a patient too much information will result in them retaining even less. The fourth suggestion is start with the prognosis, not the diagnosis. Say something like â€Å"you have a condition that is very treatable with medication. If it is a grim diagnosis start with empathy and then convey the commitment to the patient. State â€Å"we’re here to talk about what the test showed and I want you to know that I am committed to working with you closely throughout the course of your treatment. † The fifth suggestion is use simple language so that the patient can understand what is being explained to them. Many times Dr will use many words that the p atient’s just don’t understand. It is important to remember that everyday language in the hospital or Dr Office setting may not be so in the everyday setting for the patient. Explaining valuable information in a language that patients can understand is important in helping them retain the information. The sixth suggestion is to use a â€Å"teach back† or â€Å"chunking and checking† teaching strategy. This method gives the patient a small piece of information and asks them to explain it back in their own words. One good way to do this is have them explain to you how they are going to relay the information just give to their spouse or another family member not present at the meeting. Another way would be for them to show you how they are going to teach others about their treatment plan. The seventh suggestion is to use handouts in simple language as supplements to verbal teaching. These work well as references that can be referenced at a later time. The eighth suggestion is to give the patient resources to help them with further coping. Resources such as websites, support groups or social workers can be very helpful in promoting coping. The ninth and finial suggestion is to set up follow up visits to assess how the patient is feeling as well as answer any additional questions the patient may have. This is very important in order make the patient feel as if they are not alone in dealing with this issue and that you are committed to working closely with the patient throughout the prescribed treatment. Conclusions reached by author: Today healthcare providers are doing better at communicating information, but there are still areas to improve. These nine suggestions have contributed to the improvements and will continue to impact the way healthcare professionals communicate. In the authors opinion the most important thing is being honest and open. As nurses it is important to take the time to get to know the individual and appreciate the journey with the patient. Critique This article was very easy to read and had a good flow with the presentation of the information. I was able to read the article easily and did not have to stop to clarify much of the information. I liked that the author summarized the suggestions in a numbered list at the end of the article. This made it easier to present each suggestion in my summary. The article seemed to be more directed at Physicians, however I think the suggestions could be very valuable to any healthcare professional involved with direct patient care. Any healthcare professional that is involved in the teaching or communicating the treatment plan to the patient could benefit with the application of these suggestions. As a nurse I can apply these suggestions anytime I need teach patients about treatment plans. Good communication is a very important skill to develop and will be beneficial not only with the patients but with coworkers as well.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Perfume Essay

This essay will compare and contrast the various methods used by the author and director of the novel Perfume. Perfume, written by Patrick Suskind and adapted by Tom Tykwer, is a dramatic, crime thriller about the life of a murderer. Born and raised in Paris, Jean-Baptiste survives the most gruelling childhood; his father unknown and mother executed for attempting to kill him, rejected by the wet nurses in the village and when finally taken in by Madame Gaillard at the orphanage, the children endeavour to kill him. They fear he is dangerous because of his lack of personal scent. However Grenouille survives through even their best efforts, survives the measles, dysentery, chicken pox and cholera. It is clear that this child is special not only because of his amazing ability to endure the most appalling conditions but also because of his exceptionally talented sense of smell. The title â€Å"Perfume† gives the reader/viewer a good idea of what to expect from the very beginning. Trying to translate Grenouille’s olfactory language into visual picture was from the beginning a mammoth task than is expertly accomplished by the director through the use of audio and several visual components. It is however much easier to do in a book because the reader can be manipulated through their personal experience with smell. Therefore from this point the book is mildly better even though it is at a disadvantage because the reader has no visual aid. The main themes of Perfume are black humour, emotionally/mentally challenged people, hatred of humanity and seeing importance in others life only when they affect your own. These themes are portrayed well throughout both the book and film. The most prominent is seeing importance in others life only when they affect your own. For example, Madame Gaillard dies in a tragic way shortly after she sells Grenouille. In the book she dies of cancer in a crowded bed, in the film she is slit at the throat as she returns home. Monsieur Grimal falls into the river on his way home from celebrating the sale of Grenouille. Giuseppe Baldini’s house falls into the river not long after Grenouille leaves for Grasse. All these deaths symbolise that Grenouille can only value human life if it has something to reward him with; when this is done they no longer exist in his mind. This also explains why Grenouille can kill the innocent girls, take what he wants and leave without feeling any remorse for his actions. One of the best adapted scenes is the opening chapter, Grenouille’s birth. Suskind does an extended description of the putrid place where Grenouille was born. â€Å"The streets stank of manure, the courtyards of urine, the stairwells stank of mouldering wood and rat droppings, the kitchens of spoiled cabbage and mutton fat†, this quote goes on for a considerable amount of time yet it is necessary because there is so many rotten smells included that everyone can relate to at least one. This provokes the reader to think of the most revolting smells they have ever experienced and then try to imagine them worse. In the film, Tykwer uses a fast moving, rolling shot to show the reader the various scents that inhabit the area. And he uses shots of typically revolting objects such as rats, fish guts, sick and rotting vegetables. These smells are relatable to humans and so the viewer can appreciate how bad it smells, however this may not be as powerful as the smell that the human imagination can fabricate from the book. Also he employs the sound of a heartbeat and rapid breathing of the new-born babe to humanise the situation and to portray the struggle the baby has to survive. The heartbeat makes us anxious and so we wonder whether the baby will survive. The baby breathing rapidly makes us question if it can continue. However regardless of this the baby lets out a scream. The audio effects stop and this could symbolise that as soon as the baby chose to live it ended the life of his mother and shows that the world is not the same. Obviously some scenes from the book have had to be cut to stay within a reasonable screen time, one of the scenes cut is the scientific study that is carried out on Grenouille nevertheless this is not missed and the film makes up for such scenes in other aspects. One of the biggest advantages the film has over the book is that it can use the best actors suited to the role. The actor that plays Grenouille, Ben Whishaw is perfectly suited to the character. He has a childlike voice that represents his innocence, not that his soul is innocent but because he has been void of all love for his whole life. His life was only valued by those wanted something from him. His character is also very good because his expression can be changed in an instant. In one scene he can appear helpless and angelic while in another he can be closer to the devil than a human. The way he sets himself into the role is nothing less than perfect; he scuttles as he should, hunches as he should and does everything as weirdly as is should be. Grenouille is a disturbing character and this is very well portrayed by the actor. In the book Grenouille doesn’t say much because the book is written in third person. This is used so that the reader can get close into the minds of all the characters instead of being limited to one. This also means that we can observe events happening in all the different places. In the film this is done through the use of a narrator. However the narrator does tend to disclose information that as viewers might have preferred to interpret ourselves. So even though the narrator is used in both the book and film the effects are far better in the book. To conclude, there are many similarities between the book and film adaption of Perfume that are equally as good as each other but some aspects such as the narrator are stronger in the book. Equally particular aspects of the film are better, for instance the ability to use actors. One of the primary differences is the character change of Grenouille from book to film. The book shows him as a conniving parasite that is very good at manipulating people. The film shows a man who is unaware of the effects of his actions and is somewhat innocent. The strongest parts of the book are the descriptions of the in-depth break down of the various scents and how deep into Grenouille’s mind the reader gets, since spoken language is not Grenouilles strength. The best bits of the film are casting decisions and the superb adaption that captures the soul of the book and enhances it through captivating music and images. It’s like smelling with your eyes.

Canopic Stopper of King Tut

It is very useful for those, who study history, archeology or other related subject, to support their knowledge and understanding with some visual materials. In such cases, visiting some geographical territories of historical events, or archeological museum, or an exhibition of antique arts would be perfect help for better picturing of realistic details and environment of ancient times. The exhibition of the treasures of Egyptian King Tut, which were revealed during the discovery of his Tomb in the beginning of XX century, is a perfect example of visual support for those, who are interested in history and culture of Ancient Egypt. A lot of different statuettes, busts, vases, elements of decorations, etc. from those times were presented at the exhibition in Los Angeles County Museum of Arts. But I was especially fascinated with a little bust from the canopic chest of King Tut, made of delicately patterned transparent calcite. This elegant bust reproduces King Tut himself wearing the nemes head-dress. The creators of it used subtle black and red paints to underline facial details of good-looking Egyptian king: his big eyes, eyebrows and lips, demonstrating feminized nature of this person. Traditionally, the face of King Tut is presented with decorations of protective cobra and vulture, appearing from his head-dress. This small statuette is typical exemplar of Egyptian ancient art, which is characterized with features of early frontalism: every picture (in painting) or figure (in sculpture) was presented in rigid and formal posture. This bust was found in a shrine of King Tut, on a magnificent canopic chest made of alabaster and gorgeously decorated with golden staples. There were, actually, four of such busts, which were located in every corner of the chest and served as stoppers. These stoppers were sealing four compartments of the chest, in which four miniature anthropomorphic coffins, containing mummified inner organs of the king, were stored. King Tut (Tutankhamen) is one of the most known and recognizable pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. He was the Ruler of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egyptian Kings, who started his reign in the age of 9 and died at the age of 19. Certainly, he ruled under supervision and control of his adult advisers: in particular, his vizier and future successor Ay. The main social reconstruction, made by King Tut, is conversion of heretical Atenism, launched by his predecessor King Akhenaton, to previous traditional ancient Egyptian religion. Causes of his death still remain unknown, and there are some suggestions on this issue. Some specialists consider him to be murdered; the others consider his death to be accidental. After watching this sculpture of young pharaoh for some long period of time, first of all, I started paying more attention on its divine material. This transparent calcite is called Egyptian alabaster, which was, probably, enriched with some phosphoric materials. That is why the bust looks so lucid and shining, as if time did not touch it at all. I noticed that in this magic shining the representation of King Tut looked exceptionally graciously, and he seemed to me to be very calm and friendly as a person. The more I watched, the more I could realize, how different it is to see figures and statues in real dimensions, not as reproductions in the books. This way so many details, like features of the face, head position, profile line, vivid natural colors, and so on, can be better observed and considered. There is no printed picture, which can properly show the light, color, shape or delicacy of ancient artworks. So, if we want to receive some good idea about such treasures, we have to see them live. That is why such exhibitions are extremely popular and always crowded. There are many known representations and images of King Tut, which remained from ancient times. Recently the revolutionary event took place, when the team of Egyptian, American and French specialists managed to receive a new facial image of Tutankhamen. It was presented in three-dimensional CT scans of the Pharaoh's skull, but the only uncertainty was left, which is the tone of King Tut’s skin. Of course, such researches are priceless. But, to my mind, there is no better imagination of a historical personage, than the one, which can be received from observing original artworks and genuine historical materials. After visiting this exhibition, I have formed my own clear picture of this Egyptian legendary king in my mind, which, I suppose, is not very different from his real appearance and character. Bibliography: â€Å"Canopic Stopper of King Tut.† King Tut. King Tut Exhibition, Los Angeles County Museum of Arts. 8 Nov. 2005 ;;. â€Å"Tutankhamen.† Wikipedia. The Free Encyclopedia Online. 6 Nov. 2005. 8 Nov. 2005 ;;. ;

Monday, July 29, 2019

Is playtime valuable in the primary school Essay - 2

Is playtime valuable in the primary school - Essay Example s the most important part of school for us and we all have observed the regular noisy and slightly chaotic school playground, we know for sure that children do not utilize that time to improve their physical strength. But the fact of the matter is that by regularly exercising their bodies they are indeed doing the very same thing. Research has suggested that overweight and obese children are often socially withdrawn and display aggressive–disruptive behavior (PPSG, 2005). And it has also been shown that children who have little or no physical activity during preschool up till primary schooling are prone to obesity and hence carry a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases. Children who tend to be more active during their early years usually go on to have a higher proportion of muscle mass as compared to reclusive children who do not indulge in physical activity during playtime. One point to be noted here is that restricted movement in playtime also reduces the positive effect that playtime has in this aspect. Playtimes should therefore offer children an important opportunity to increase their daily physical activity through â€Å"unstructured physical activity during playtimes† (WHO 2007) The benefits of playtime are not only restricted to physical well being. Various studies have shown that playtime has positive effect on building the social skills of children. Children are mostly free from prejudices and hence they do not usually judge the other person based on their background and ethnicity if it has not been instilled in them by their elders. Hence children from different backgrounds mingle in the playground. Their â€Å"play† is seen as a social act much the same as people going out for dinner or grabbing a drink together (Smith, 2010). Children from ethnic backgrounds and children with disabilities benefit from free play at playtime in terms of social development and inclusion. It has also been seen that children benefit from physical playtime activity in

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 82

Case Study Example   Should all science be in agreement?   In Wakefield’s case, it is established that conflict of interest existed while he carried out his research. The fact that he obtained monetary benefits for carrying out his research against MMR vaccine makes it clear that his research is flawed due to conflict of interest. Other scientific bodies further investigated the link between autism and MMR vaccination and found none. Here, sticking with science is justifiable, although science can be flawed and could lead to erroneous conclusions. In Wakefield’s case, his research was proved wrong. It is difficult to arrive at a decision when conflicting reports are presented by scientists. This is because innumerable factors dictate the direction and conclusion of any research. One can never say for sure that a particular research might be accurate or correctly interpreted. At such a time, it is only logical to first find out the motives behind the research. Often, the scientist’s motivations influence the research, as in Wakefield’s case. In addition to motives, the research design, methodology and interpretation should be scrutinized to identify flaws. It is necessary for all science to be in agreement. However, practically, this can never be the case because it is impossible to carry out perfect research. There could be bias related errors, procedure related errors, protocol errors, flawed reporting of results, etc. As seen in the WebMD article, evidence exists both in favor and against the link between MMR vaccination and autism, mercury (thiomersal) and autism. Opposite parties point out flaws in each other’s research. If all research were perfect, all science would definitely have been in

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Business Plan Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business Plan - Coursework Example The US market share is captured by major players such as Nike, Addidas, Reebok, Fila, Timberland, Asics and Converse and others. Among them, Nike might be considered as the main competitor of 21st Wear as the company also targets the young customers. However, the products of Nike are quite high priced due to its premium brand image as compared to others. This can be treated as an advantage for 21st Wear to enter the market of US. The company can follow penetration pricing strategy by offering the products at lower prices as compared to the main competitors in order to penetrate the market successfully. This can enable 21st Wear to enhance its awareness as well as brand equity among the customers. As 21st Wear mainly centers on the teenage sportswear, it should introduce new trendy designs at a low price and promote through internet considering the fact that majority of the teenage customers are consistent online buyers (Magazine Publishers of America, 2004). Furthermore, as 21st Wear is targeting a particular segment, it should include a strong distribution channel and an effective product positioning strategy by focusing on product features such as quality, color and style to establish its brand name in the growing competitive environment of the industry. The company 21st Wear should introduce numerous stores at renowned places of US along with proper availability of its products and it should follow direct selling of the products to the customers. Moreover, 21 st Wear should use market penetration strategy in order to enter the market of US as it is highly competitive. Thus, these strategies can assist 21st wear to differentiate its products among others in the market (Kotler, 1999). Company Description 21st Wear is a US based sportswear company. It intends to offer high quality sportswear products at a reasonable price, especially focusing on the requirements of the teenage customers. The company renders products in different colors and trendy styles which a re designed by using good quality of fabric and latest techniques. 21st Wear sport products are mainly targeted to the teenage customers under the age group of 13-18. The product line of the company includes varied types of products such as T-shirts for boys and girls, jerseys, sports shoes, shorts, sports sweaters, pants, skirts, athletic shirts, hoodies, track suits and gloves. Notably, the products offered by the company are available in different fashionable designs and colors to attract the targeted customers. The company uses internet facilities to promote its innovative designs and styles to its customers, considering the fact that teenage customers are a major group of online shoppers in the US market. 21st Wear is comparatively a new market player in the sportswear market segment, and therefore, the company needs to plan effective strategies such as proper distribution, promotion, pricing and proper discounts in order to sustain it in the increasingly competitive market. Wi th this concern, 21st Wear intends to provide a wide range of sportswear selection to its targeted consumers at a cheaper price as compared to other competitors in order to penetrate the US sportswear apparel. Core Ethical Principles of Business The ethical principles on which the business of 21st Wear will operate are trust, teamwork, honesty and mutual respect amid the team members. The core corporate ethics will strictly

Friday, July 26, 2019

Creole linguistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Creole linguistics - Essay Example One of the problems of definition stems from the way in which the languages are classified. Varieties such as Eskimo pidgin lack some of the structures and linguistic patterns of other types of pidgins. Creole now includes a larger number of languages than before. Questions have arisen as to which groups of languages be classified as creoles or pidgins. Considerations have also been given to breaking down both languages into sub groups and sub types. One should also pay attention to the proximity to the source language. There is also the issue of the varying degrees of creoles as spoken in some Caribbean states, for example. The question as to what extent socio cultural and socio historical factors play in the development of the languages should also be considered. Mufwene argued that the term pidgins and creoles were loosely used by European settlers and thus does not satisfy the criteria to be called languages because of the lack of certain linguistic features. He limits the term creole to those former pidgin languages in parts of the Pacific and West Africa. Thompson another writer examined the languages in terms of their historical natures. Her distinction of creoles and pidgins from bilingual mixed languages is based on social, historical, and linguistic aspects. Her claim also presents conflict especially when one looks at languages such as Tok Pisin. Both writers agreed on the difficulty faced in categorising every language. Conflicts have also arisen in determining the nature of processes of pidgin and creoles as they relate to each other. Historically both languages have been reflective of each other. Some writers, however, view both languages as being different from each other in view of their developmental processes. Others argue that they are independent of each other in terms of formation and use. Some scholars also look at the role children and adult played in the development of both languages. They argue that the morphology and

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Histroy 201 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Histroy 201 - Essay Example There had been numerous deliberations out of the Convention, among which the final document was derived after a lot of discussions and grueling debates. Pinckney Plan The Pinckney plan was a plan of government introduced by South Carolina’s Charles Pinckney on May 29, 1787, the same day on which Randolph initiated the Virginia Plan. As Vile (580) states, Pinckney had not maintained it on any writing and the only evidence was the Madison’s notes which were not very reliable. It was all about a treaty among the 13 states. His idea was to hold a house having a member for thousand inhabitants and to elect a Senator for four years and also elect cabinet members. He also suggested for a Federal Judicial Court. Pinckney’s plan was not opposed but left for the decision of the Committee of Detail. Virginia Plan The Virginia plan was actually formulated even before the convention by the delegates from Virginia, on their meeting to discuss on the Madison’s thoughts, notes, and works. Edmund Randolph, the governor of Virginia presented the plan on May 29, 1787, which was also called the Large State Plan. The plans suggested for the establishment of houses of legislature proportionally, making it a ‘controlling bicameral administration’ (Vile, 428). The plan proposed that the upper class would be elected by the lower and the lower would be elected by the people. It also suggested for a judiciary. New Jersey Plan William Paterson, a delegate of the New Jersey proposed the New Jersey Plan, asking for an adjournment to contemplate the Virginia plan. The suggestion to make the legislature houses in proportion would limit the authority of smaller states. Therefore the smaller sates discussed to respond to the Virginian Plan and brought forward the New Jersey Plan, also known as Small State Plan. This plan was entirely against the Virginia Plan, and asked to fix the problems of Articles of Confederation by amendment. According to Vile (583 ), The New Jersey Plan stood for the Congress to be given more powers and to sustain the existing Continental Congress. The plan created an executive branch for a single term and a judiciary for life, appointed by the executives. Finally, any law implemented by Congress would proceed over the state laws. However at the presentation of the plan, it was rejected. Hamilton’s Plan On the dissatisfaction of the previous plans, the Hamilton Plan otherwise called the British Plan was introduced by Alexander Hamilton, having similarity with the powerful centralized British government. Hamilton came up with the idea of abolish state control and merge the state into a single nation. His plan suggested for the bicameral legislature, the lower house elected for three years by the public and the upper class elected for life bye the lower class. The national governing body enjoys the â€Å"veto power over any state administration†; it also proposed a Governor being elected by the el ectors and holds the office for a life-term service (Vile, 583). Slavery and Connecticut Compromise The most debated issue among the delegates was slavery. The regulation of slavery was a question of controversy between the South and North, as 40 percent of the population of South was slaves.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Italian Financial crisis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Italian Financial crisis - Research Paper Example This paper aims to discuss the financial crisis in Italy. The collapse in 2008 of Lehman Brothers represents Italy’s economic emergency starting point. During the financial crises, initial stages, Italian investors and banks had suffered minimally. America’s housing market issues had as of yet to hit Italy. Financial institutions in Italy were not in possession of sub-prime bonds in large quantities. The collapse of Lehman Brothers started what was the most dramatic of phases via contracting interbank loan markets. Due to a shortage of liquidity and doubts on the borrower’s financial soundness, banks stopped lending each other money. Governments induced by the liquidity crisis lent loan support to national banks while the ECB lowered the rate of discount. Banks, however, reduced access of credit for clients in order to regain liquidity. At this point, the Italian economy became entangled in the crisis. Large banks are not many in Italy, with most operating on the regional scale (Silvia & Hana 50)1. The crisis affected these larger banks, Lehman Brother’s collapse resulting in them losing funds and from the devaluation of their assets due to the collapse of the stock market. The biggest problem, which Italian banks faced was due to its links with Eastern and Central European countries (Organization for Economic Cooperation 15)2. Since the early 90s, banks extended their branch networks to countries, which had been candidates for EU membership and Ukraine. The risk of imminent collapse in this region caused the banks to lose value on their shares due to doubts about its solidity financially. Government support helped avoid a crisis. Medium and small size banks, however, reacted via reduction of credit to consumers and clients and increasing collateral for new loans. This, in turn, caused a reduction house and machinery

Learned Helpness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Learned Helpness - Essay Example These may cause employees to feel that success or recognition is unattainable, thereby inhibiting motivation to improve their performance levels2. Thesis Statement: The purpose of this paper is to investigate learned helplessness among employees in organizations, and examine the creation of desirable motivation states through management interventions such as motivation, and empowerment and resilience, to eliminate learned helplessness among employees. Lyn Abramson and her team suggested that objective events in themselves do not produce learned helplessness. How those events are interpreted, particularly how their attributional dimensions are perceived, play an important part. Usually, the situations that produce learned helplessness give rise to only momentary symptoms of depression, unless there already exists a ‘depressive explanatory style’3. Besides generalizing from an unpleasant experience resulting in passive acceptance of situations, another approach to the theory of learned helplessness underscores a reinforcement process as its basis. That is, when particular behaviors lead to desired rewards and outcomes, people are motivated to repeat those behaviors. The motivation to perform those behaviors is lost when the specific behaviors do not help to achieve desired outcomes4. For example, when a manager regularly takes credit for her subordinates’ successes, while blaming them for their failures, the employees may lose their motivation to work harder than is necessary to keep their jobs. Similarly, when an organization enforces the use of outdated and ineffective procedures resulting in failed outcomes, employees may show little urgency or interest in their work5. The significance of organizationally induced learned helplessness is that â€Å"It often remains even when the barriers to success are removed†6. Consequently, when an unfair manager or restrictive policies are removed, employee motivation and

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The report about new business plan-KFC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The report about new business plan-KFC - Essay Example However clinching fact would be the expected enthusiastic response from target population of locals, students and visitors of Aberystwyth town. Typically, an established brand name's franchise business would be less risky than other new ventures because the business idea has been tested and the KFC products enjoy global acceptance and saleability. Studies have reported that franchises are safer than other capital deployments in businesses with a failure rate of less than 5 percent rate compared to 90 percent failure rate for some independently initiated restaurants. Banks are also more liberal in extending finance to a franchising business, given above facts, and can finance up to 70 percent of the initial capital costs. Taking up a small business model franchisee of KFC appears to be a challenging, profitable and safe business opportunity. In the following paragraphs a business plan is taken up to commence this business systematically. We believe we have a good head start in Aberystwyth Market as there are just three competitors in fast foods and we will be specializing in chicken products which enjoy global acceptance and popularity. ... 1.3 Founder of the creation of Kentucky Fried Chicken & History /KFC Brief BackgroundKFC operates in 74 countries and territories throughout the world under the name "Kentucky Fried Chicken" and/or "KFC." It was founded in Corbin, Kentucky by Colonel Harland D. Sanders, an early developer of the quick service food business and a pioneer of the restaurant franchise concept. For the Colonel, perfection was the only acceptable level of performance for a KFC restaurant. This perfection was extended to both "finger lickin' good" food and warm, friendly hospitality. These same standards continue today with our goal of excellence for every eating experience in KFC restaurants. In the beginning of KFC, there was nothing-save a chicken recipe and a promise. "The recipe was, of course, Harland Sanders' special blend of eleven herbs and spices cooked in his own secret way. There was no striped red building, no cardboard bucket with the illustrated icon known as "the Colonel." There was no fiber glass replica of the diminutive and rotund man standing in the corner in a string tie"(Howell,2000). Sanders' signed up his first franchisee in 1952. KFC changed management several times and was under John Y. Brown and Jack Massey, Heublein and R. J. Reynolds. By the time KFC was acquired by PepsiCo in 1986, it had grown to approximately 6,600 units in 55 countries and territories. Now it is under Tricon.It is important to observe that despite frequent management turnover the KFC continued to have very detailed and effective franchisee agreement which allowed substantial leverages to franchisee units to improve the group working by their innovative methods. This unit would like to attempt the same by taking special initiatives in use of technology and dcor as

Monday, July 22, 2019

History Teaches Us Only One Thing Essay Example for Free

History Teaches Us Only One Thing Essay History teaches us only one thing: knowing about the past cannot help people to make important decisions today. History is the past considered as a whole, the series of events which are connected with someone. It is the past which had taken place like the world wars, about the freedom fighters, the evidence which have remained when these incidents took place. Knowing about the past can just help people to gain information and to be aware of what took place in the past and this does not help in taking important decisions today as this only helps people to be aware of the things which took place. The decisions taken at that time and the decisions taken in this modern society are totally different. It is said that â€Å"Past is no predictor of future† , the decisions taken at that time will not help for the decisions taken in the current events because that depends upon the people as to what circumstances they are facing and they can just get aware if at all this has taken place in the past and not the history. The people who took decisions at that particular point of time are totally different than what a person takes at this point of time. Firstly, history does not contain the circumstances that a person wants to take decisions today especially with the circumstances which a person faces at this time and the point taken at that past which is already history. The modern world or society does not depend upon history for decisions. For example, a person taking decisions in business deals cannot be dependent upon the history because a person needs to see all the consequences and the future prospects of his or her business and not on the history, a person can get aware of the things which took place in the past and can take care that the mistakes done in the past should not repeat the wrong decisions taken in the past. It does not depend solely upon the history. The decisions taken by the person will vary from person to person whether a person is choosing a career or decisions are made for business, or it is family decisions. The decisions taken today will vary and the important decisions taken in history does not make any sense in depending on those decisions because it does not help the people in taking right decisions because the circumstances the people faced and the circumstances faced in the modern world are two different things. History is the past and one should not look back for the future decisions taking place in the current situations. One should be aware and should be careful for the decisions, one should look into the consequences of taking the risk for the decisions a person is taking whether it is a family matter, or it is in a business, or choosing a career for a student. Thus, history does not help a person to take decisions of the modern society, past should be remained as a past and should not be considered for future prospects. The decisions taken in history and the decisions taken at this point of time are two different things and one cannot compare these two different things for the important decisions made today.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Use Of Technology In Task-Based Language Learning

Use Of Technology In Task-Based Language Learning A RESEARCH PAPER  ON  RESEARCH ON THE USE OF TECHNOLOGY IN TASK-BASED LANGUAGE LEARNING 1. INTRODUCTION It is well known that our life is extremely affected by technology, and technology plays an important role in language learning. With the spread and development of English around the world, English is used as a second language. This paper studies on the use of technology in task-based for learning English as a foreign language (EFL). A task is defined by Jane Willis (1996) an activity where the target language is used by the learner for a communicative goal so as to succeed a result. The learners start with the task. Task is used as a symbol for different activities including grammar exercises, practice activities and role plays. Tasks may involve solving a word problem, creating a crossword puzzle, making a video, preparing a presentation or drawing a plan. According to Rod Ellis (2007), ‘Task’ which has four main characteristics: à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¢ Task involves a primary focus on (pragmatic) meaning.à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¢ Task has some kind of ‘gap’.à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¢ The participants choose the linguistic resources needed to complete the task.à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¢ Task has a clearly defined outcome. Task based learning is a different method to learn languages. Task-based learning emphasizes the main role of meaning in language use. Skehan (1998) implies that meaning is primary in task-based learning †¦the assessment of the task is in terms of result and that TBL is not ‘concerned with language display’ (98). In the task-based learning, the tasks show basic the learning activity. As cited by Prabhu (1987), students can learn more efficiently when their minds are headed towards on the task, sooner than on the language they are using. Doughty, Long (2003) and Willis (1996) assert that Task-based language learning (TBLL) method supports discussion of meaning using ‘meaning-focused’ and ‘communicative’ task completed activities and gives students the chance to practice language extensively within a meaningful context, attractive students in the ‘authentic,’ ‘pragmatic, and contextual production of language’, where language production is not the aim but ‘the vehicle for attending task goals’ (p.25). In other words, TBL has the advantage of getting student to use his/her skills and can help the students learn language easily and effectively. Willis (1996) explains that the main events of the three phases in task-based learning: Pre-task can include brainstorming; ‘Introduction to topic and task:Teacher explores the topic with the class, highlights useful words and phrases, helps students understand task instructions and prepare.’ Task cycle shows us; ‘Task: Students do the task, in pairs or small groups. Teacher monitors from a distance. Planning: Students prepare to report to the whole class (orally or in writing) how they did the task, what they decided or discovered. Report: Some groups present their reports to the class, or exchange written reports and compares results.’ Language focus shows form and ask questions about language features; ‘Analysis: Students examine and discuss specific features of the text or transcript of the recording. Practice: Teacher conducts practice or new words, phrases and patterns occurring in the data, either during or after the analysis (p.38).’ TBLL provides some important benefits. Task based language learning (TBLL) has the benefit of getting the student to use her/his skills at her current level. Krahne (1987) said that ‘During the task the learners are allowed to use whatever language they want, focus entirely on the meaning of their message. This makes it closer to real life communicative situation, which is a way of bringing the real world into classroom TBL that involves real communication is necessary for language learning.’ Moreover, task-based language learning which helps to realize the language in context and to use it in condition in real life. Willis (1996) has also emphasised the importance of a real world for tasks. The aim of the task is to create a real goal for language use and provide a natural context for language study. It provides the language learner with an active role in participating and creating the events. TBLL offers more chances for the students to show their thinking through thei r movements so it contributes to progress by encouraging students to lesson. Furthermore, students are more success in the language they use. It presents cooperative support. Students can work together, so task-based increases students’ motivation for learning. Task-based learning can be very successful at intermediate levels. It is difficult to primary levels students. In spite of benefits of task-based learning, there are many disadvantages of task-based learning, such as: According to Skehan (1996), task-based learning comprehends some risks if fulfilled carelessly. Task-based learning requires a high level of creativity on the part of the teacher. For instance, If the teachers are limited to more traditional roles or do not have time and resources to device task-based learning this type of teaching maybe difficult. Evaluation of task-based learning can be difficult. ‘The nature of task-based learning prevents it from being measurable by some of the more restricted and traditional tests (Krahne 1987).’ The use of technology suggestions important advantages for task-based language learning and it plays a positive role in TBLL. Chapelle (2001), Gonzolez-Lloret (2003) said that ‘The arrival of information technology has improved the quality of many scientific disciplines, including some language education and learning through technology has become a real life’ (p.84). Technology has enormous effect in task-based language learning, as a resource for EFL and as a means for communication between the EFL students. In addition, TBLL provides the basic technology for supporting learners to obtain major communication skills in the English language. Each technological tool has its specific benefits and application with important of four language parts. These are speaking, listening, reading and writing. That is to say, Ybarra and Green (2003) indicate that students trying to learn English as a second language need additional language support. They need to practice in hearing lang uage, reading language, speaking language, and writing language so as to develop their experience and skills. I believe that students can learn easily and effectively with use of technology in task-based language learning. Technological tools which can be taken advantage of the task-based language learning. Task based learning is useful for moving the motivation of the learning process from the teach ­er to the student. It gives a different way of understanding language for the students. Because of this, the students can be a better learner. When the students are a better learner, they can motivate themselves and solve their problems. Thus, motivational factor is significant in one’s achievement. RESEARCH QUESTION 1- How can we explore the benefits of task-based language learning in EFL students?

The programming and document

The programming and document 1. Introduction: The main intention of the assignment is to carry out the programming and document the automation of a Bytronic associated with Industrial Control Trainer using an Allen-Bradley Micrologix 1000 PLC. It includes Analysing the mechanical system, sensors and actuators. Establishing the control requirements. High-level design of the PLC program using the Sequential Function Chart (Grafcet) notation. Implementation of the program in ladder logic form using RSLogix 500 software. Program testing. Critical assessment of the completed program adjacent to the stated requirements. Programmable Logic Controller (PLC): Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is a programmable electronic device that is used in the industrial automation systems in order to examine the system inputs and responses the behaviour of program to manage the output devices based upon the sequence and logic provided to the system. Approximately in all manufacturing line, electronics and electrical shops and as well as in some type of the mechanicals; this process is greatly enhanced. PLC is mainly used in industries and machineries. For general purpose, the PLC is mainly designed for the multiple inputs and responses the arrangements of output. But in real-time PLC, the output must be produced within a restricted time for the given input conditions. The main benefits of the PLC are: Communication possibilities. Flexibilities. Reliability Realization of complex control algorithms. System is very simple. Special devices are available. The main functionality of the PLC is to include sequential relay control, statistical discipline that deals with the algorithms and mechanism for controlling the output of a process and distributed control systems. History Of PLCs: In the need of the American automotive manufacturing industry, the PLC was invented. Initially the programmable controllers were adopted by the automated industry. When production models changed, the software revision has been replaced by re-wiring hard-wired control panel. The first programmable logic controllers were designed and developed by Modicon as a relay re-placer for GM and Landis. Later the PLCs were designed to replace the relay logic systems after that the PLC were programmed in ladder logic which strongly resembles in relay logic. Modern PLC, in Variety ways the programmed can be altered from ladder logic to more traditional languages like C and BASIC. While reducing the cabinet space that housed the logic, the new system severely increased the functionality of the controls. The first PLC, model 084, was invented by Dick Morley in 1969. The first commercial successful PLC, the 184, was introduced in 1973 and was designed by Michael Greenberg. Interior Structure Of PLC: Programmable Logic Controller is a microprocessor based device that mainly consists of CPU, I/O devices and memory. Additionally it is also connected to the program reader, memory unit and programming and printer. Perform housekeeping activities like communications through RS-232, internal diagnostics etc. Perform the control instructions contained in the users programs. This program is stored in ‘ROM/EPROM which is non-volatile memory (data/program cannot be lost when the power has lost). Communicate with other devices like I/O devices, network, programming devices. The main difference between the PLCs and other microprocessor based devices are; PLCs are designed rough for the industrial settings and secured for improving the electric noise immunity and they are modular. 2. System Description: Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is a programmable device that hub too many manufacturing industries processes. The internal structure of the PLC is similar to many parts of the systems and embedded controllers. The PLC depends upon the types of systems i.e. small, medium and large and depending on that the component of the system is built in the distributed unit. The microprocessor based unit is equipment used for controlling and tracking the manufacturing processes. The main advantage of the PLC is easy to design and modify the control process and also the programming languages were adopted. Microprocessor is the main part of the PLC which acts as a vice-versa in the systems. The commands and the instructions from the users program depend on the microprocessor to results system. PLC consists of microprocessor, memory integrated unit and it also consists of storage and reclaim the data from the memory unit. The PLC also includes the communication ports, so that it can transfer the data from system to the PLC and to other terminal devices. In real-time world, it has a capability to control the processes. The main position of the processor is to examine the number of inputs and results the responses from the system. RAM is a Random Access Memory which is a volatile memory (i.e. when the power has lost the data will be lost). This type of RAM is not used in the system and it may causes some battery back up in slot. The CMOSRAM (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor RAM) is used for storage memory and ladder logic diagram. EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory) is also a non-volatile memory and this type of memory is used for the storage of large amount of data. The other electric devices are used for the storage of small amount of data. It is used to back up the major program in the CMOSRAM processor. ROM (Read Only Memory) is also a non- volatile memory. It can only read the program and the program cannot be modified. It is mainly used to distribute firmware and it does not require an external power supply. Input Module: There are several types of input devices to be taken such as pushbuttons, thumb switches and some other devices etc. And some other DC inputs devices like electronic card access, thumbprint, etc are used for the application to access the input module. But in most of the industrial sector system are provided with the essential noisy and electric isolation between the processor and the module. In majority of industrial systems, the processor for the input module takes from 8 to 32 input bits. For each and every input bit the address will be allocated according to the processor instructions. Output Module: The output module can be used for both the device (AC or DC) such as solenoids, relays, contractors and LED readouts. The result depends upon the input module to which the connection has been made through the ports or terminals. The connection towards the input and output devices may vary according to the power supply as well as load. For an analog device, the special type of output device is used to convert from a digital to analog. Whereas for the digital, the special type of output device is used to convert from analog to digital. For analog output device, the results are stored in 12 bit file and convert it to analog signal. The signal may vary from 0 to -10v for DC. Communications: The most commonly used for communication port is RS-232 9-pin connector. In PLC, RS-232 is an in built communication protocol to communicate within the peripheral interfaces and other terminal devices. In todays world, the wide range of communication link in some of the PLC is RS-485 which can access more speed. For peer to peer communication, the larger I/O devices are used in PLC program. There are different methods to communicate between a PLC and a programmer or even with two different PLC. In PLC, the application programs are written in personal computer and downloaded to the system (PC) using the plug in cable to the programming port of the PLC. This communication can be forwarded through the RS-232 or RS-485. The communication between two PLC can be conceded by the keen links supplied through the RS-232. Operation Of PLC: The operation of the all PLCs is followed in four steps continuously takes place in rotationally. The four basic steps followed by the PLC are Input Scan Program Scan Output scan Housekeeping. The below figure shows the operation of the PLC: 1) Input Scan: It detects all the state of inputs that are connected to the PLC. 2) Program Scan: Examine the program logic created by the user to execute. 3) Output Scan: All the output devices that are connected to the PLC can be energizes or de-energizes. 4) Housekeeping: This step is used to communicate with the peripherals, programming terminals and other devices etc. PLC Diagram Description: In PLC the programs are fabricated based upon the ‘gates simultaneously with the inputs, timers, counters, outputs, internal memory bits, analog inputs, comparators, analog output etc. Inputs: The physical connections that are connected to the PLC are switches, pushbuttons, sensors and anything which acts like a switch or signal to the state of ON and OFF position. The voltages that accept to some of the devices are 24V DC and some may not; it may vary. The switch when it is in ON state, then status of the device bit is ‘1 and when it goes to OFF state the status of the device bit is ‘0. Output: The result that appears from the input devices is the communication between the PLC and other terminals. They are used to control the solenoids, sensors, and connectors etc to on and off position. In the PLC, there are 8 sensors and 5 actuators were used. The result from each sensor response the actuators and other sensors to perform the task. These eight sensors has different task they are 1) Sensor1: It detects the presence of peg in the upper sort area. 2) Sensor2: It detects the components in front of the solenoid at the upper sort area of the ring chute. 3) Sensor3: It detects the presence of ring in assembly area. 4) Sensor4: It is used to commence assembling. 5) Sensor5: It is used to terminate the assembling. 6) Sensor6: It is used to detect the complete assemblies. 7) Sensor7: It is used to detect the components at the lower sort area. 8) Sensor8: It is used to detect the components and assemblies near the reject area solenoid. The purpose of 5 actuator which are used in PLC area are 1) Actuator1: It drives the upper chain conveyor motor. 2) Actuator2: It drives the lower chain conveyor motor. 3) Actuator3: It knocks the ring in the ring chute. 4) Actuator4: It releases the ring into the assembly area. 5) Actuator5: It rejects the unassembled components. Relay: A relay is a switch which is operated on the electromagnetic. Counters: when a pre-assigned count value is reached, the digital counters are in the form of relay contact. Timers: Timer consists of internal clock, a count value register and an accumulator which is used to count the time. 3. Requirements: The requirements for the PLC diagram are Ladder diagram Structure text programming Instruction list Functional block programming Sequential functional chart. Requirements Constraints: During the operation, Conveyor belts should be kept moving. When sensor 1 senses it, the actuator 3 should knock only the ring. Overloading of rings should be collected in the surplus rings box. The ring should not enter the peg chute or vice versa. The peg chute and the ring chute should be kept clean for the peg and the ring to slide in to that. By the actuator 5, Unassembled components should be knocked down Constraints Actuator should not knock the ring when there are more than 5 rings in the chute if there are more rings 5 rings then the progress will be blocked. The area between the actuator 4 and the sensor 3 should be clear for the next peg to occupy the space. Only if the peg moves past the ring the assembly will be over. If there are more than 5 rings in the ring chute, the actuator 3 cannot knock. 4. Program Design: The graphical representation of the logic essential in relay logic is a ladder diagram. The ladder diagram instruction consists of relays, timers and counters, program control, data transfer, arithmetic operation and data manipulations. In order to create programmable controller program, the ladder diagram language is used. The control logic can be obtained by reducing the ladder instructions symbols. The main objective of the ladder diagram is to control the outputs based on the input circumstances. Based on the simple logic, the ladder rungs can be reduced and also the controlling rungs are based on the logic. The ladder instructions consist of some symbols to perform the program. The symbols to be used in the programming and instruction set are basic relay type contacts and coil symbols. The representation of the coil symbol is used at the output and whereas the representation of the contact symbol is used at the conditions in orders to control the output. For each and every contact and coil, an address number will be referred. Function Block Programming: In this function block, the instruction for the programming is very complex for the users program such as data transfer, shift register instruction and so on. And these are also basic building blocks for the control systems. Sequential Function Chart: There are some steps to follow the sequential function chart program symbols, they are Start block Initial block Step block Transition OR path AND path There are three basic standard rules to be followed by the chart 1) The first step is to active the program at the start block and the programming have an option of restarting the device. 2) After the completion of the steps one by one, the transition state will be tested and the action will be continued until the transition is in true state. 3) Once the transition is in true state, the processor scans the steps once again to rearrange all timer instructions and executes the next step. The processor scans starts the sequential function chart from left to right side and if chart is encountered then it examines the ladder logic from left side to right side. Grafcet is a graphical function chart programming language. This language was adopted by telemechanique into the programmable control language and this language is used for the sequence behaviour of the program. Each step represents the state of system to be controlled and the horizontal bar represents the conditions to perform the accomplishment. 6. Explanation Of Program: Stage1: 0000 If flag1 (B3:1/1) is set to ON state and input sensor 4 is ON (I:0/18) but the input sensor 5 (I:0/19) is set to OFF state then LATCH (Enable) the flag2 and UNLATCH the flag1. 0001 If flag 2 (B3:1/2) is set to ON state then ENABLE both the output actuator 1 which is a lower conveyor motor (o:0/3) and the output actuator 2 which is a upper conveyor motor (o:0/4). 0002 If flag 2 is ENABLE and the input sensor 5 (I:0/19) is set to ON state then LATCH the flag1 and UNLATCH the flag 2. Stage 2: 0003 If flag 3 (B3:2/1) is set to ON state and the input sensor 2 (I:0/1) is ON state and input sensor 1 (I:0/4) is set to OFF state and the counter C5 is less than five then LATCH the flag 4 (B3:2/2) and UNLATCH the flag 3 (B3:2/1). 0004 If the flag 4 (B3:2/2) is set to ON state then enables the timer 1 to 0.01 and preset value to 50 and ENABLES the output actuator 3 (o:0/0). 0005 If the flag 4 is set to ON state and the timer 1 is decrementing then UNLATCH the flag 4 and LATCH the flag 5 (B3:2/3). 0006 If the flag 5 (B3:2/3) is set to ON state and then set the timer 2 (T4:1) to 0.01 second and preset value to 20 seconds. 0007 If the flag 5 is set to ON state and the timer 2 (T4:1) is enable and then LATCH the flag 6 and UNLATCH the flag 5. 0008 If the flag 6 (B3:2/4) is set to ON state and then set the counter to up C5:0 and preset value to 5. 0009 If the flag 6 is set to ON state and counter up is enabled then LATCH flag 3 and UNLATCH flag 6. Stage 3: 0010 If the flag 7 (B3:3/1) is set to ON state and the input sensor 3 (I:0/0) is set to OFF state and then C5:0.ACC source A 0011 If the flag 8 (B3:3/2) is set to ON state and timer 3 (T4:2) is set to base as 0.01 and preset value to 50 and ENABLES the output actuator 4 (o:0/1). 0012 If the flag 8 is set to ON state and the timer 3 (T4:2) is decreasing and then LATCH the flag 9 and UNLATCH the flag8. 0013 If the flag 9 (B3:3/3) is set to ON state and then set the counter down by 1. 0014 If the flag 9 is set to ON state and the input sensor 3 (I:0/0) is set to OFF state then LATCH the flag 10 and UNLATCH the flag 9. 0015 If the flag 10 (B3:3/4) is set to ON state and the input sensor 9 (I:0/5) is set to ON state then LATCH the flag 7 and UNLATCH the flag 10. Stage 4: 0016 If the flag 11 (B3:4/1) is set to ON state and the input sensor 6 (I:0/6) is set to ON state and then LATCH flag 12 and UNLATCH flag 11. 0017 If the flag 12 (B3:4/2) is set to ON state and the input sensor 8 (I:0/2) is set to ON state then UNLATCH the flag 12 and LATCH the flag 13. 0018 If the flag 13 (B3:4/3) is set to ON state and the input sensor 8 (I:0/2) is set to OFF state then LATCH the flag 11 and UNLATCH the flag 13. 0019 If the flag 11 (B3:4/1) is set to ON state and the input sensor 8 (I:0/2) is set to ON state then UNLATCH the flag 11 and LATCH the flag 14. 0020 If the flag 14 (B3:4/4) is set to ON state and then ENABLE the output actuator 5 (o:0/2). 0021 If the flag 14 is set to ON state and the input sensor 8 (I:0/2) is set to OFF state and then LATCH the flag 11 and UNLATCH the flag 14. 0022 END 7. The Rejection Component: In PLC, the unassembled components are rejected by the sensor 8 (I:0/2). The problem in which the unassembled components are rejected due to the delay in the actuator 4 or the peg which comes from the peg chute initially but not the ring or the assembled components which comes from the sensor 3 moves a bit distance at which the sensor 6 cannot detects the component then the rejection of the component could be taken by the sensor 8. And also there must be delay in the actuator 3 in order to push the rings in to the chute. These are the reasons for the rejection of the assembled and unassembled components. 8. Testing: There are four tests to check whether the PLC is working under conditions or not. The first test is to check whether the sensor one is detecting the peg or not and the actuator 3 is knocking the ring into the chute through the detection of sensor 2. The second test is whether the actuator 4 is holding the ring in the ring chute for some delay of time and allowing only the rings through detection of sensor 2. The third test is to check the whether the sensor 6 is detecting the assembled components at the lower sort area. The fourth test is to check the actuator 5 at the solenoid in order to reject the unassembled components. 9. Discussion: In modern control systems, the mechanical and electrical parts are used to design the machinery. In most of the control systems, there is a relay in the circuits, programming controllers and some other special devices are used. There are several ways to select the PLC. The most important in selecting the PLC is the processor. The cost of the system is very cheap and it is reliable and flexible. In PLC the user program cannot be analyzed. The main benefit of the Programmable controllers is the flexibility. The effectiveness of the use of the PLC is the software controller in which the PC software solution that relates devices via communications protocols. The main focus is based on the programming languages. These languages are built with the logic of the various instruction set. The following are the methods for selecting the PLC are 1) Maximum number of inputs and outputs is allowed. (Digital, analogue, inputs, outputs). 2) Layout of sensors and actuators. ( peripherals) 3) Nature of solution.( New or existing) 4) Special signals and modules. (high speed digital outputs) 5) Processor properties. (program and data memory) 6) Working conditions. (temperature, humidity, dust) 7) Communications. (ASCII) 8) Specialities of program. (special functions) The limitations of the PLC are 1) To store a large amount of data, the program controllers are not capable with sufficient memory. 2) The temporal network which is traceable by hardly overloads can cause the issue in automation system communication. Conclusion: The solution that set the industrial standard is the Allen-Bradley Micrologic 1000PLC. For the digital I/O, the micrologic 1000PLC are available in 10-points,16-points and 32-points and whereas fort the analogue I/O, the micrologic 1000PLC are available in 20-points digital I/O, with 4 analog inputs and 1 analog output. The successfully method for the Allen-Bradley manufactures-lower costs, flexibility, high quality and fast start ups. This control method has been successfully invented by the PLC program. The major parts of the PLC are sensors, solenoids and actuators. These sensors and actuators will acts as a vital role in the PLC. The pegs and the rings that come on the upper sort and lower sort area can be detected through the sensors. Thus, by placing the sensors and actuators in the suitable place, the rings and pegs can reach the destination successfully. The program is tested and thus the results is achieved successfully without any errors.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Puzzling Message of Figure in the Carpet :: Figure in the Carpet Essays

The Puzzling Message of Figure in the Carpet At the beginning of "The Figure in the Carpet", the main character considers the criticism of literature to be a career, something he does for money. "I had done a few things and earned a few pence" (p. 357), declares the narrator in the opening line. He says later in the paragraph that having an advanced copy of a prominent novel to review was desirable because it would advance his career: "Öand whatever much or little it should do for his reputation I was clear on the spot as to what it should do for mine." (p. 357) The character sees Vereker's work as a vehicle to advance his career. There seems to be little excitement as to the content of Vereker's work, the reader is never given even so much as the subject matter of a Vereker novel. Instead, all of the focus of the opening scenes is directed towards the narrator's struggle to become a renowned critic. Henry James is contrasting the practice of literary criticism with the ideal of what literary criticism should be. Even the characters that seem to be in the purest pursuit of Vereker's great secret, Corvick and Gwendolen, will not share it with their friends. When they discover it, they all want to publish it for themselves. Vereker himself seems to hold the literary critics in the book in contempt, citing their lack of vision. Vereker speaks to the narrator at several points in the novel, "You miss it, my dear fellow, with inimitable assurance; the fact that your being awfully clever and your article's being very awfully nice doesn't make a hairs breadth of difference." (p.365) The work of a literary critic in Vereker's eyes is to find the figure in the carpet. Which is to say that what a literary critic and readers of literature should do is to look for a deeper meaning or context in works of literature. Vereker is upset because the critics fail to grasp the deeper meaning in his works. James himself must have been quite upset at the critics of his day. Influential critics can make or break a writer. More than anyone else, critics can sway how people perceive the work of an author. As James illustrates in the story, critics are not to be trusted as authority.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Electoral College: Rationale and Process Essay -- History Governme

The Founding Fathers wanted to distinguish the newly formed United States from a pure democracy. The Framers defined democracy as government decisions made directly by the people. They decided to use a republic form of government because it promised wiser government. This type of government would allow decisions to be made by representatives elected by people. The one issue styled under this republican representation was the process on how to choose a president. This process has been the source of continuing controversy for over two hundred years. There have been more attempts to change the twelfth amendment than any other provision in the Constitution. Ironically, in the debates preceding the ratification of the Constitution, the method of presidential selection was not very controversial. Alexander Hamilton wrote, "The mode of appointment of the chief magistrate of the United States is almost the only part of the system, of any consequence which has escaped without severe censure or which has received the slightest mark of approbation from its opponents" (Wright 56). Alexander Hamilton was the chief architect of the electoral college since he distrusted popular democracy. He said that the electoral college would ensure that a few men of insight and reflection would select the ablest president. Specifically, he wrote, "A small number of persons, selected by their fellow-citizens from the general mass would act under circumstances favorable to deliberation" (Wright 59). Hamilton believed that the electoral college system would reduce civic unrest if public participation were directed to certify the results of a presidential election. He noted that the electoral college concept was less susceptible to political manipulation. However, the United States has moved away from the original republicanism rationale experienced by the Founding Fathers. Opponents of the electoral college, such as author Lawrence Longley state, "Today's advancement in communications, computers, and polling computations has permitted our society to accept results the popular vote with confidence" (18). However, the question remains, has the electoral college outlived it original intent and purpose? I believe that we need the electoral college to alleviate future problems that are associated with direct vote presidential elections. Moreover, we have used this system to select pr... ...wer. If it is proposed to change the balance of power of one of the elements of the solar system, it is necessary to consider the others." (Glennon 72). Much contemplation has been focused on solutions to resolve the perceived electoral college problems. However, too often these reformers ignore the rest of the political solar system. Their reforms vary because each have different objectives. These varying objectives are hoped to reinforce the values of federalism, to increase voters enthusiasm of national politics, lessen the danger of a national recount, strengthen (or weaken) the two-party system, or to elect better presidents. Each of these proposed reforms have some ramifications on our political solar system. Today, Americans take pride in our history of peaceful transitions of power. Being so, the electoral college must be considered as a valuable centerpiece to this transition. It is reassuring to know that a handful of average citizens delegated responsibility by their states have been able to achieve what Mexico and the Philippines have not, undisputed electoral results derived from the popular vote. The electoral college has proven to be our political stability.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Csr Work by Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola India Wins Golden Peacock Global Award for Corporate Social Responsibility Coca-Cola India was awarded the prestigious 2008 Golden Peacock Global Award for Corporate Social Responsibility on Feb. 15 during a global conference in Vilamoura, Portugal. Dr. Ola Ullsten, former prime minister of Sweden, presented the award to Deepak Jolly, Vice-President, Public Affairs & Communication, Coca-Cola India, on behalf of the Company.The Golden Peacock Global CSR Award showcases the â€Å"human face of business† by recognizing the continuing commitment of companies â€Å"to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce, their families and the local community and society at large. † A distinguished jury chaired by Dr. Ola Ullsten, former prime minister of Sweden, selected this year’s Golden Peacock award winners. Presenting the award to the Company, Dr.Ola Ullsten, said, â€Å"Golden Peacock Awards hav e been instituted by World Council for Corporate Governance, UK to create competitiveness in the area of Corporate Social Responsibility. We are hopeful that Coca-Cola India’s effort in promoting sustainable communities sets an example for other organizations to follow. † Her Excellency Ms. Nilima Mitra Ambassador of India in Portugal said that she was very impressed with the manner in which Coca Cola is fulfilling its CSR in India in water management and conservation especially the intervention to ensure potable water to 1000 primary schools in India.Commenting on the Coca-Cola India winning the award, Atul Singh, President & CEO, Coca-Cola India, said, â€Å"Coca-Cola India has always placed high value on good citizenship and has undertaken several initiatives for community development and inclusive growth. We are gratified to receive this global award and are humbled at being recognized for the little contributions that we have been able to make to preserve and prot ect the environment and towards community development. We are also establishing the Coca-Cola India Foundation which will further strive to make a positive impact on local communities.The Company remains committed to work with stakeholders and communities across the country in its bid to contribute to mutual growth and development. † The award recognizes Coca-Cola India’s water conservation/management and community development initiatives. The Company has installed 320 Rain Water Harvesting (RWH) structures in 17 states and has restored several traditional water bodies like the Sarai Bawari and Kale Hanuman ki Bawari in Jaipur and check dams across the country.Additionally, the Company recently set a target to reach a â€Å"net-zero† balance with respect to groundwater usage by 2009 and launched the â€Å"Elixir of life† project to provide drinking water to nearly 30,000 children in 100 primary and panchayat schools in and around Chennai. The Company plans to provide clean drinking water in 1,000 schools by 2010. Coca-Cola India also promotes sustainable packaging through PET recycling and has undertaken several projects in the areas of primary health, primary education and infrastructure for local communities.The Company has undertaken these Citizenship initiatives in partnership with government, NGOs, educational institutions and local communities. In 2006, the World Environment Foundation (WEF) honored Coca-Cola India with the Golden Peacock Environment Management Special Commendation Award for its world-class environment practices. Dr. Olla Ullsten, former Prime Minister of Sweden and Chairman of the Awards jury presenting the Golden Peacock Global Award for Corporate Social Responsibility to Deepak Jolly, Vice President, Public Affairs & Communication, Coca-Cola India.Local community using water from the rejuvenated Sarai Bawari at Amer, near Jaipur, RajasthanA photo of the drinking water project in 100 schools, launched by the Company in Chennai, which will benefit nearly 30,000 children on completion Kaladera Community Recognizes Coca-Cola’s Community Initiatives Rakesh Pathak, Unit HR Manager, Kaladera plant & Sunil Sharma being felicitated by Chhittarmal Hatwal, Sarpanch (head) of Kaladera at the community event Coca-Cola India was recently acknowledged for the various citizenship initiatives in & around Kaladera in Jaipur, Rajasthan.Rakesh Pathak, Unit HR Manager, Kaladera plant and Sunil Sharma, who’s been associated with the company for a long time, were felicitated by the villagers of Dabar Basti in Kaladera. As part of public-private partnership, Coca-Cola installed a new bore well recently in the area to provide water in the houses of villagers. Chhittarmal Hatwal, Sarpanch (head) of Kaladera presented a Safa (head gear) to Rakesh Pathak & Sunil Sharma as a mark of gratitude to the company. â€Å"We are deeply honored by the recognition of the people of Kaladera† said Rakesh Pathak. Coca-Cola India has always placed very high value on citizenship and has taken various initiatives to conserve water the area. â€Å" Coca-Cola India has worked with the government, local bodies & the entire community of Kaladera in the area of water conservation. This includes restoration of Sarai Bawari & Kale Hanuman ki Bawari – historical step wells (over 400 years old), providing water to the people of the community. The company has constructed over 140 recharge shafts in the area. Rain water harvesting projects have been set up in various schools, government bodies & the community areas. No other company has ever come forward & worked towards the welfare of the Kaladera Community except Coca-Cola. We appreciate the efforts taken by Coca-Cola for the conservation of water in Kaladera. † Chhittarmal Hatwal, Sarpanch (head) of Kaladera. In addition, Coca-Cola India has undertaken an annual scholarship program for the students in the nearby villages for the f ifth consecutive year. Amongst various educational initiatives, Coca-Cola also supports ’Aap Ki Beti’ (your daughter) program to provide education to a girl child.Community Recognition to Coca-Cola India Certificate of appreciation given by Cultural Council, Kaladera Community in Rajasthan Coca-Cola India was recently acknowledged for the various citizenship initiatives in & around Kaladera in Jaipur, Rajasthan. Sunil Sharma, who’s been associated with Coca-Cola India, received the certificate of appreciation on behalf of the company from the Cultural Council of the Kaladera community during the celebration of Holi, the festival of colors & joy. I’m deeply honored by the recognition of the people of Kaladera† said Sunil Sharma with his face painted in the colors of festivity. â€Å"Coca-Cola India has always placed very high value on citizenship and has taken various initiatives to conserve water the area. â€Å" Coca-Cola India has worked with th e government, local bodies & the entire community of Kaladera in the area of water conservation. This includes restoration of Sarai Bawari & Kale Hanuman ki Bawari – historical step wells (over 400 years old), providing water to the people of the community.The company has constructed over 140 recharge shafts in the area. Rain water harvesting projects have been set up in various schools, government bodies & the community areas. Sitaram Sanwaria, President, Cultural council, Kaladera Community and a local resident, presenting the certification of appreciation to Sunil Sharma, as a token of appreciation to Coca-Cola India for its community efforts during Holi celebrations, a festival of colors where people play with colors and have fun & enjoyment.The festival aims at bringing the society together & strengthen the social fabric of the country â€Å"No other company has ever come forward & worked towards the welfare of the Kaladera Community except Coca-Cola. We appreciate the efforts taken by Coca-Cola for the conservation of water in Kaladera. † said Bhura Mal Sharma, a 65 year old farmer. â€Å"The Rain water systems installed by Coca-Cola ensure that the rain water goes back into the ground which is very beneficial to the farmers and if we get good rains this year the results will speak for themselves. Said Shri Hanuman Sahaya 70-year-old farmer. In addition, Coca-Cola India has undertaken an annual scholarship program for the students in the nearby villages for the fifth consecutive year. Amongst various educational initiatives, Coca-Cola also supports ’Aap Ki Beti’ (your daughter) program to provide education to a girl child. â€Å"The roads, hospitals, medical camps, hand pumps etc. all indicate that Coca-Cola cares for Kaladera. We are confident that the company will carry on need based developmental programs in future also. aid Shri Bhagwan Sahai ji, a local social worker and leader. The presence of a company like Coca-Cola in the area is a blessing for the local people of Kaladera. † added Shiv Sahay, a 60 year old farmer and a civil contractor. â€Å"The certificate of appreciation that we to Mr. Sunil Sharma is a token of thanks for the relentless efforts of Coca-Cola for the welfare of the community†, said Sitaram Sanwaria, President, Cultural council, Kaladera Community. â€Å"There is no better ways to be recognized for your dedicated community efforts than by the people of the community themselves.Getting such a recognition at Holi, which is a festival of colors and binds people together shows the confidence that the community has in us†, concluded Sunil Sharma. Coca-Cola wins Bhagidari Award- Fourth time in a row Coca-Cola India won the Delhi Government's Bhagidari Award for the 4th consecutive year for its efforts in Water Conservation and Community Development. The award was presented on the second day of the two day Bhagidari Utsav at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi on February 3, 2007 by the Hon'ble Chief Minister of Delhi, Smt.Ms. Sheila Dikshit. We took this opportunity to also present the Water Calendar 2007 to the Hon'ble CM. The Bhagidari Utsav is an annual event to celebrate the success of ‘Bhagidari' – A public -private-community partnership program launched by the Delhi government a few years ago. Hon'ble CM visiting the Company stall at the Bhagidari Utsav 2007 Among the highlights of the Utsav was an exhibition cum display by some of the partners of the Delhi government, where each partner showcased its initiatives to make Delhi a ‘better' place.In recognition of Coca-Cola's efforts in Water Conservation and PET Recycling, we were given two stalls to outline our initiatives in these areas. Ms. Dikshit was one of the first to visit our PET Recycling stall and after being briefed on our PET Recycling program, she urged the Company to spread the awareness on PET Recycling not just amongst the visitors to the Bhagidari Utsav but also among people at large. Our Water Conservation stall was visited both by the Hon'ble Chief Minister Ms. Sheila Dikshit as well as by the Hon'ble Mr. A. K. Walia, Minister for Finance, Planning, P.W. D ; Urban Development, and Delhi Government, who were briefed about the various programs undertaken by the Company to spread awareness and to conserve water. The dignitaries were very appreciative of our efforts. We had showcased a device called ‘Drip Gauge' for the first time in the country at the stall. Drip Gauge is a simple but effective tool to sensitize people to save water. A 3-D Rain Water Harvesting (RWH) model demonstrating the utility, functioning and commissioning of Rain Water Harvesting projects at individual households ; residential colonies was also on display.In addition, people were apprised of simple methods to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recharge water in their daily lives. Our stalls evoked tremendous response from all stakeholders and nearly 3000 people vis ited our stalls during the event. Of these, nearly 2500 participated in the two quiz contests that we ran at the stalls. Several Resident Welfare Associations and NGOs also approached us seeking our guidance and help for RWH and PET Recycling programs in their colonies. St. Agnes College (Mangalore University) Wins The First Jimmy ; Rosalynn Carter Partnership Award in India from left) President Jimmy Carter, Ms Rosalynn Carter, Dr Sue Sehgal, Founder ; President Jimmy ; Rosalynn Carter Foundation, Sister Carmel Rita from St Agnes College and other members of the College. President Jimmy Carter ; Ms Rosalynn Carter personally presented the Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Partnership Award for Campus-Community Collaboration to St. Agnes College (Mangalore University) for the exemplary work done by them in the field of ‘Watershed Management & Development'. The award has been brought into India by Coca-Cola India in association with Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce ; Industry (FICCI).?The coveted award serves as one of the highest recognition for academic-service learning to educational institutions for outstanding ‘Campus Community' Learning programs. St Agnes received a special handcrafted golden globe trophy, a citation ; a cash prize of US $ 10,000. The 2nd and 3rd runner's up i. e. Punjab University for its Literacy Program & Aligarh Muslim University for its Pulse Polio Immunization Program also received a citation and a cash prize of US $ 3000 and US$ 2000 respectively.The winner was selected by the Foundation based on the combined merits of each program out of scores of applications received for the award. Speaking on the occasion, President Jimmy Carter said,†This will be the first presentation of this award outside the United States, and it is particularly significant to me that India is the next country to embrace this recognition of service. Many years ago my mother, who was a nurse and Peace Corps volunteer, ministered to Indian citizens.That experience touched her deeply, and the emotion she felt, and also the love for India has filtered through to me through her recollections. † Also present at the Award Ceremony were Shri Kapil Sibal, Honorable Minister for Science & Technology & Earth Sciences, Government of India & Aparna Sen, noted film actor, director. According to Atul Singh, President & CEO, Coca-Cola India, â€Å"President Carter and Coca-Cola share a strong belief in the benefit of working for the local communities. As an example our Company is actively spearheading water sustainability and conservation programs in India.We have so far commissioned more than 220 rain water harvesting structures in 17 Indian states both at bottling plants and in the local communities. We are constantly trying to benefit the communities where we operate. â€Å" Carter Partnership Awards celebrate schools, communities, and businesses working together to make a difference in the lives of people in need. The A ward aims to be a powerful motivator for the academic community to develop community service programs in their curriculum and encourages the student community to inculcate values of selfless service and empathy towards the community.Other members present at the function included, Mr. S K Poddar, President FICCI, Dr Sue Sehgal, Founder & President, Jimmy & Rosalynn Carter Partnership Foundation, Shri Farookh Abdullah, eminent parliamentarian, Naveen Jindal (Member of Parliament) & other well known personalities. Cola-Cola India wins the Bhagidari award from the Delhi government for its efforts in community development The Company has already executed nearly 200 rain water harvesting structures across 17 states Coca-Cola India has plans to undertake 40 new rain water harvesting projects during the current yearThe company is also working with local communities in various states on projects like Paper & PET recycling, education and clean environment projects Coca-Cola India won the â₠¬ËœBhagidari award' on February 25, 2006, in New Delhi, for its contribution in water conservation & environment management programmes and for its contribution to community development, from the Delhi Government. This is the third year in a row that the company has won this award. Mr. Atul Singh, President & CEO, Coca-Cola India received the award from the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Delhi, Ms.Sheila Dikshit on behalf of the company at a function during the Bhagidari Utsav at the Pragati Maidan in New Delhi. Coca-Cola India is supporting several rain water harvesting projects spread across 17 states with nearly 200 rain water harvesting structures. The company plans to take up another 40 such projects by the end of the year. The company is currently engaged in such projects in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Delhi, Gujarat, Goa, Jammu & Kashmir, Jharkhand, Kerala, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal.I n addition to this, the company has also undertaken various projects in the areas of Paper & PET recycling and Education & clean environment in partnership with local communities in different states. On receiving the award, Mr. Atul Singh, President & CEO, Coca-Cola India, said, Water is a subject that is loaded with urgency and even emotion. It is a critical global challenge and it will take a wide variety of efforts, most of them at a local level to overcome the problem.At Coca-Cola we have undertaken numerous projects across the country in partnership with local communities for their development and we continue to look for areas where private-public partnerships can bring about good results. We are honoured to get this award and we are thankful to the government and to the residents of the state for giving us an opportunity to partner them in some truly path breaking community development initiatives. The Coca-Cola Company has always placed high value on good citizenship. At th e heart of business is a mission statement called the Coca-Cola Promise.It says, quite simply, that The Coca-Cola Company exists to benefit and refresh everyone who is touched by our business†. This basic proposition means that the company’s business should refresh the markets, protect, preserve and enhance the environment and strengthen the community. Coca-Cola India provides extensive support for community programs across the country, with a focus on education, health and water conservation. Bhubaneswar Team wins 2005 Pollution Control Excellence Award! The winning Bhubaneswar Team with their trophy The â€Å"Pollution Control Excellence Award† for 2005 has been awarded o HCCBPL Khurda unit, by the Orissa State Pollution Control Board. The award went to the Khurda team for achieving excellence in implementation of pollution control systems in the plant and for their constant efforts for protection of the environment. The Pollution Control Excellence Award is a n annual award given to industries that excel in environment protection. Khurda's multiple initiatives – PET recycling, Vermicomposting and Rain water harvesting, in addition to its Environment practices to prevent/control pollution bagged the unit this award.Khurda beat over 20 shortlisted industries throughout the state for the award. The award was presented on the 23rd Foundation Day Celebration of the State Pollution Control Board, Orissa by S. P. Nanda, Principal Secretary, Dept. of Environment ; Forests Govt. of Orissa on 16th September 2005. The Award was received by the Region – Vice President Mr. T. Krishna Kumar. Speaking on the occasion Mr. L. N. Pattnaik – PCB Chairman lauded the efforts of the company in the field of environment protection. Best Organization Award to Coca-Cola India – giving equal opportunity to differently-abled people.H. E Shri T V Rajeshwar felicitating Mr. Ashutosh Bhardwaj, Area General Manager, Hindustan Coca-Cola Beve rages Pvt. Ltd. Varanasi The State Government of Uttar Pradesh, under the aegis of Directorate, Handicapped Welfare conferred Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd. , Varanasi with the Best Organization Award for allowing differently-abled people to prosper ; carve a niche for themselves in the professional world. The Award was given by the Governor of the State, H. E. Shri T V Rajeshwar to the Area General Manager, Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt.Ltd. Varanasi, Mr. Ashutosh Bhardwaj, in a function organized at Sahkarita Bhawan, Lucknow, to mark the World Disability Day on December 3, 2005. According to Mr. Ashutosh Bhardwaj, it’s a policy at Coca-Cola to give equal status ; provide equal opportunity to the differently-abled people who are in a perfect physical condition. They are especially trained to carry out certain responsibility. Anomalies should not hamper the growth of an individual. At present, twelve differently-abled people are working as Bottle Inspectors (bott le supervisors) in the unit.The Company shared this award with B. C. G. School for the Deaf, Varanasi. Patna Unit wins CSR Award 2004-05! Saurabh Pande, AGM, Patna receives the CSR award Our Patna Unit has been awarded ‘Corporate Social Responsibility Award' for the year 2004 05 by the J. M. Institute of Speech and Hearing, Patna. The award was given to the Patna Unit for the continued support provided towards upliftment of physically challenged children. Since last one-year, the principal focus of Patna Units Citizenship activities has been supporting the physically challenged.The multiple initiatives in this direction include Organizing Sports for Deaf and Dumb, Cultural Programmes, Educational Trip to Plants etc. The Award was presented to the AGM, Patna – Mr. Saurabh Pande, by the Lokayukth of Bihar, Shri Narmadeshwar Pande in a ceremonial function held in Patna on 24-September 2005, the International Deaf ; Dumb Day. Coca-Cola India Receives Bhagidari Award From Th e Delhi Government -Only Corporate to be presented with this award in recognition for its Citizenship Program- Honourable Chief Minister of Delhi, Ms.Sheila Dikshit presented a Commendation Certificate to Coca-Cola India for its contribution in the Bhagidari scheme recognizing the Company's efforts and contribution towards community development programs. The Company received the award at a glittering ceremony during the Bhagidari Utsav at Pragati Maidan in New Delhi. The Utsav was attended by more than 5,000 citizens of the city. Bhagidari celebrates the spirit of collective responsibility between citizens and Government agencies for improving urban infrastructure and environment. On receiving the award, Division President, said, we are honoured to get this recognition.Citizenship at Coca-Cola India is integral to our business and we continue to work with local communities across the country. Coca-Cola India has implemented a host of citizenship projects in Delhi under the Bhagidar i scheme including: Rainwater harvesting projects Clean Delhi Campaign in association with the Government of Delhi PET and Paper recycling projects in schools Tree plantation drives with Department of Environment Vermi-composting The company had earlier also received a special award from the Delhi Government in 2002 for its active participation in the Bhagidari programme.Government Acknowledges Coca-Cola’s Concern for The Disabled Chennai 16th August 2004: Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd. has been honoured as the ‘BEST PRIVATE COMPANY’ in the State by the Government of Tamil Nadu for its contribution to the communities in providing employment opportunities to physically challenged people. Ms. J. Jayalalitha, Honourable Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, presented the award to the company at a simple function here on the occasion of the occasion of Independence Day. The Company employs 88 people with hearing and speaking disability, who work as â€Å"Special In spectors† at its Nemam plant near Chennai.They have been trained by the Company to observe the bottles and check for any foreign particles during quality check. Coca-Cola India awarded the Bombay Stock Exchange Award for Social and Corporate Governance 2009 Coca-Cola India has been awarded the Social and Corporate Governance Award for Best Practices in Corporate Social Responsibility 2009. The award which has been instituted by Bombay Stock Exchange Limited, Nasscom Foundation and Times Foundation recognizes and honours organisations for their contribution to society.Coca-Cola India was declared as one of the four winners of the award in recognition of its community development and sustainability initiatives in the four pillars of marketplace, workplace, environment and community. The other winners include prestigious organisations like IT major Infosys, Construction conglomerate Larsen & Toubro and leading bank, The Punjab National Bank. Jury Members of the Bombay Stock Exch ange Social and Corporate Governance Award 2009 at the award presentation ceremony. Harish Mehta, Founder,Nasscom Foundation presenting the Bombay Stock Exchange Social and Corporate Governance Award 2009 to Deepak Jolly, VP PAC, INSWABU on behalf of Coca-Cola India. According to Mr. Atul Singh, President & CEO, INSWABU, â€Å"It is an honour for Coca-Cola India to receive this award for a well rounded effort in the sphere of corporate governance and social responsibility. This is a just reward for all the initiatives that has been put into restoring the growth and image of the Coca-Cola system in India by more than 25,000 system associates and I congratulate each of one of them for winning this prestigious award.Recognitions like these will further encourage us to strengthen our programs towards making a meaningful difference in the lives of millions of people that we touch daily. † This award comes is the third in a series of corporate responsibility awards won by the Comp any in 2010. Notable among these are the Golden Peacock Global CSR Award for the second consecutive year and the Frost & Sullivan Green Excellence Award for Corporate Leadership. Coca-Cola India was one amongst the